Tuesday 30 October 2018


         This is a book of a great monk with full of knowledge with humours and he sharing lifes amazing secretes so please read this to make best life for you and your loved ones and this book prize is 150rs but it's word are of millions of dollars or uncampareable with money.
                                                                              Thank you............




The promise is simple: Pay attention to what matters most and then watch something amazing happen – a little more peace, love and happiness will be what wakes you up and lays you down everyday:
  1. Say thank you like you mean it.
    When someone helps you, don’t just offer a required “thank you.” Say it like you mean it; say it with feeling.                   Image result for say thanks
  2. Change your thoughts to positive ones.
    Practice filtering your thoughts. Identify the negative thoughts and cultivate the positive ones. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions.Image result for positive thoughts
  3. Find the desires of the real you.
    Allow yourself the freedom to put aside what others may want for you, and tune into what you want for yourself. Allow your spirit to nudge you to follow the desires of your heart.Image result for freedom
  4. Do things that scare you.
    Step out of your comfort zone and welcome new possibilities; welcome growth.Image result for do things that scare you
  5. Love every moment.
    Every day is a gift. I’m learning to love each moment. No matter if it’s waiting in line, paying a bill or driving to work, these moments are simply beautiful because each one is perfectly drenched with the sweet reminder that life is here.Image result for love every moment
  6. Simplify.
    Cut back on work, watch expenses and don’t over commit your time or talent. Do less. Live more.Image result for simplicity
  7. Do what you love.
    When you do what you love, time seems to stop, your mind becomes sharper and a sense of clarity about your life’s purpose consumes you. Doing what you love is a moment like no other. This is the moment when there’s no other place you would rather be.Image result for do what you love quotes
  8. Improve your health.
    The mind-body connection is powerful. Look to do good things for your body so your body can do good things for you.Image result for improve your health images
  9. Learn to forgive.
    Forgiveness puts the past where it belongs – in the past. An amazing life begins in the present; in the here and now. By learning to forgive the sins committed against you; along with the ones you have committed, you will be free to live each day without regret, shame or guilt.Image result for learn to forgive
  10. Be honest with others and yourself.
    Speak the truth and the truth will find you. Wrapped in the middle of the truth is a wonderful awareness that gives you the power to live confidentially.Image result for honest with yourself
  11. Ask for help.
    When life becomes too much, and its amazement feels more like weariness, remember that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of courage – the courage it takes to live an amazing life.Image result for ask for help quotes
  12. Read.
    Reading brings characters to life, ideas to light and inspiration out of the shadows. Reading opens the incredible world a little wider and invites you to see the amazing things waiting inside.Image result for reading quotes
  13. Be Humble.
    Humility requires you to shift attention away from yourself and onto others. Being humble helps you understand when you focus on the needs of others, your needs will be met in the process.Image result for be humble quotes
  14. Define your own meaning of success.
    What does success look like to you? One aspect of an amazing life means choosing who you want to be; what you want to do and how you want to measure progress along the way.Image result for own meaning of success
  15. Choose to be good.
    Goodness lives in this world, and in the world after this one. Showing kindness, helping others and keeping your word will not only make living here more peaceful, it will extend that peace into the next world, too.Image result for choose to be good
  16. Give respect.
    Respect yourself. Respect your mind, body and spirit. Nourish yourself with what’s honest and true. Extend that respect to others and life will give you more friendships, strength and amazing love.Related image
  17. Donate your time to help others.
    Share your time to help someone. It can be an encouraging smile, helping with a difficult task or taking time to listen and offer support.Image result for donate your time to others
  18. Focus on the present.
    Be present wherever you are. Take in the moment and savor every special nuance and detail of it.Image result for focus on present quotes
  19. Use your imagination everyday.
    Open your mind. Think about what your amazing life would look like and then use your imagination to help you get there.Image result for use your imagination quotes
  20. Celebrate your mistakes.
    Mistakes point to one thing: You tried. Your life isn’t defined by the mistakes you make; it’s defined by your resolve to keep going; to keep fighting and to keep claiming your amazing life no matter what happens.Image result for celebrate your mistakes